Terms and conditions

Applicable from 1st May 2023.

These “Terms and conditions” aim to set out the way “the Website” provides the webpages and services within a legal framework, and to define the conditions of access and use of the services by “the User”. These terms and conditions are accessible on the “Terms & conditions” page of the Website.

Article 1 – Legal wording

The Website www.casita-alegria.com is developed by publication managers Gabrielle and Pierre CASSAND, French citizens, residing at Poli 7, Parcela 108, Bajo 1, UBEDA 03658 PINOSO, Alicante, Spain, whose email address is contact@casita-alegria.com.

The Website’s host is OVH SAS, a company with its head office at 2, rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1, France (phone or email: 1007).

Article 2 – Access

The Website www.casita-alegria.com provides the User with free access to the following services:

  • Online booking of the Casita Alegria,
  • Detailed presentation of the premises,
  • Presentation of the surroundings and available activities in the area.

The Website is accessible for free and anywhere, for any User with internet access. Any costs incurred by the User to access the service, e.g. IT equipment, software, internet connection, etc., shall be at their expense.

Article 3 – Data gathering

In accordance with French Act No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the Website guarantees the User that personal data shall be gathered and processed in a manner that respects their privacy.

Pursuant to this law of 6th January 1978, the User is entitled to access, make corrections to or delete their personal data, or opt out entirely. The User may exercise this right:

Article 4 – Intellectual property

The brands, logos, distinguishing features as well as all the content on the Website – texts, images, sound, etc. – are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code, especially in terms of copyright.

The User shall need the Website’s permission before reproducing, publishing, or copying any of the content. They are informed that the Website’s content is intended strictly for private use. Any use for commercial and advertising purposes is strictly forbidden.

Any total or partial reproduction of the Website by any means whatsoever, without the express authorisation of the Website’s manager, would constitute an infringement of rights, punishable by Articles L335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

It is reminded that in accordance with Article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, the User shall name the author and source when reproducing, copying, or publishing the protected content.

Article 5 – Liability

Although the sources used for the information given on the Website www.casita-alegria.com are believed to be reliable, some errors, neglects or defects still might occur.

The information provided on the Website is for illustrative and general information purposes only and is non-contractual. Although it is regularly updated, the Website www.casita-alegria.com does not assume any liability for any change in the administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication. Moreover, the Website does not assume any liability for any use or interpretation of the information provided on the Website.

The Website does not assume any liability for any possible virus that might infect the User’s computer or any other IT equipment after using, accessing, or downloading from this Website. The Website does not assume any liability in cases of force majeure or for the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

Article 6 – Hyperlinks

The Website might contain some hyperlinks. The User is informed that when clicking on these links, they shall leave the Website www.casita-alegria.com. The Website has no control over the webpages these links redirect to and does not assume any liability regarding their content.

Article 7 – Cookies

The User is informed that when visiting the Website, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser.

Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on the User’s computer’s hard drive by your browser, and which are necessary for using the Website www.casita-alegria.com. Cookies do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify anyone. Each cookie contains a unique, randomly generated identifier and is therefore anonymous. Some cookies expire when the User leaves the Website, some other cookies remain.

The information contained in the cookies is used to improve the Website www.casita-alegria.com. By browsing the Website, the User accepts them. However, the User’s consent is required for some cookies. Failing agreement on their part, the User is informed that they might not have access to some features or pages.

The User can disable these cookies by changing their browser’s settings.

Article 8 – Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

This contract is governed by French law. In case of a dispute between the parties, if an amicable settlement is not reached, French courts shall be the only courts of competent jurisdiction.

For any question about the application of these Terms and conditions, please use the contact details indicated in Article 1.

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